Unofficial FF2 Version History

FF2 Rewrite GitHub Repository AlliedModders Thread
  1. Split source code into multiple files (01Pollux)
  2. Now supports SourceMod 1.11
  3. Fixed issues from 7/7/2022 TF2 update
  4. Unofficial Freak Fortress is now unsupported in favor of Freak Fortress 2: Rewrite
  1. Added 'map_only' boss key (JPZV)
  2. Fixes towards cache (01Pollux)
  3. Fixed 'tf_dropped_weapon_lifetime' not resetting on disabling FF2
  4. Updated health/lives setting natives to update health bar (01Pollux)
  1. Added HasAbility caching (01Pollux)
  2. Fixed memory leak (01Pollux)
  3. Fixed errors with BGMs (JPZV)
  4. Updated key lookup (01Pollux)
  1. Added more data natives (01Pollux)
  2. More fixes towards leaks (01Pollux)
  1. Fixed memory leak (01Pollux)
  1. Added classic Sandman stun setting (HotoCocoaco)
  2. Added new data natives & improved performance (01Pollux)
  3. Added Simplified Chinese translations (HotoCocoaco)
  4. Fixed various HUD issues
  5. Fixed map blocked bosses from still be played via random
  6. Fixed distance, ammo, clip, and health related args
  7. Fixed rage_cbs_bowrage giving incorrect ammo
  8. Fixed rage_matrix_attack attacking the boss itself
  9. Fixed boss weapon animations (Nolo001-Aha)
  1. Finally fixed issues with HUDs and translations
  1. Added being able to select a difficulty while FF2 is disabled
  2. Added FF2_SelectBoss native to force a player to choose that boss
  3. Fixed being unable to select a boss while FF2 is disabled
  4. Fixed issues with changing MAXCHARSETS not working in some cases
  5. Fixed issues with the boss selection menu when the boss pack is higher then MAXCHARSETS
  6. Changed to use Menu type handles
  7. Changed panels to be menus instead
  8. Changed queue point list to exclude the current boss(es)
  9. Removed the arena win panel on round end
  1. (1.11.0) Changed the characters.cfg formatting
  2. (1.11.0) Changed to EmitGameSoundToAll for announcer sounds
  3. (1.11.0) Changed changelog to use KeyValues instead
  4. (1.11.0) Removed unnecessary flags in ff2_version
  5. Added 'miniontimer' setting to prevent minions getting regular crit boosts, etc.
  6. Added FF2_OnBackStabbed forward
  7. Fixed HUDs showing different lanauages (Untested)
  8. Fixed issues with the boss selection menu when the boss pack is higher then MAXCHARSETS
  9. Fixed strange ranks always applying 'Hale's Own' regardless of settings
  10. Fixed if a single boss has cosmetics disabled, it would remove all boss's cosmetics
  11. Fixed ff2_charset selection menu
  12. Fixed support for boss pack voting for any amount of boss packs
  13. Changed many Handle to use methodmaps
  14. Changed 'Over 9000' sound effect to use playgamesound
  15. Changed ClientTimer item HUD priorities
  16. Changed disguises upon backstabbing the boss to only disguise as a friendly Medic or Scout
  17. Removed all debug messages in code
  18. Removed all FF2_ShowHudText and FF2_ShowSyncHudText in code
  19. Removed all FF2_GetRoundState in code
  20. Removed the FF2_GetBossIndex in code
  1. (1.11.0) Changed the online changelog style
  2. (1.11.0) Fixes towards when Monolocus spawns
  3. Added the option to show the current boss pack in the server name
  4. Added Damage Tracker with a ConVar for a default value
  5. Added telefrag damage ConVar
  6. Added default health formula ConVar
  7. Added default ragedamage formula ConVar
  8. Added Difficulty & Special Round
  9. Added the ability to see boss description from bosses in other packs
  10. Added define for maximum of charsets supported for extra features
  11. Added upcoming support for ColorLib in replacement of More Colors
  12. Added WIP for useful stocks
  13. Fixed ff2_charset error
  14. Fixed FF2_LogError not working at all
  15. Fixed viewing all bosses when wildcards are used
  16. Fixed being unable to block bosses from teleporting via ConVar
  17. Fixed the server name not resetting back when FF2 is disabled
  18. Fixed servers with only one boss pack
  19. Fixed version numbering for boss settings
  20. Fixed some cases where =Failed name= is instead blank
  21. Fixed knives causing Razorback to break while keeping resistances
  22. Fixed non-Uber Medi-Guns giving Uber to Medics
  23. Fixed FF2_SpawnWeapon for saxxy and tf_weapon_shotgun for non-related classes
  24. Fixed natives with REQUIRE_PLUGIN being undefined
  25. Changed the health of bosses in Boss vs Boss to be lower
  26. Removed the limitation on ff2_theme
  27. Removed passive ability slots 4 to 7
  28. Removed Killstreak Preference menu option
  29. Removed 9000 sound effect in TF2x10
  30. Removed slot requirement on FF2_GetArg related stocks
  1. (1.11.0) Changed changelog to a HTML MOTD
  2. (1.11.0) Class key for bosses now accept words (eg. demo, demoman, soldier, heavy)
  3. Added ff2_stats_database to use SQL instead of cookies (or both) for StatTrak
  4. Added ff2_charge_angle to change the minimum angle to activate charge abilities
  5. Added ff2_attributes to change boss's starting attributes (excludes capture rate)
  6. Added ff2_uber_start to change the starting Ubercharge for Medics
  7. Added partial Custom Weapons 3 compability
  8. Added FF2_MakeBoss native to create bosses
  9. Added support for both config and data filepaths for files
  10. Added the ability to use wildcards for character config list
  11. Added option to view all bosses in every pack (if the server has multiple non-hidden packs)
  12. Added a line of text that shows the current pack (if the server has multiple non-hidden packs)
  13. Added overlay option with sounds occured by bosses (From Fire)
  14. Added the ability to check all bosses for abilities when the subplugin is now loaded mid-round
  15. Added formula support for every non-string args in the subplugin
  16. Added self precaching instead of erroring when a model isn't in the subplugin
  17. Fixed bug with boss logging when the file is missing and can't be created
  18. Fixed bots gaining more queue points than they should
  19. Fixed not being able to use the boss selection menu while FF2 is disabled
  20. Fixed boss health HUD and companions with multiple lives
  21. Fixed a 'ghost pack' from occuring
  22. Fixed issues with shields and being backstabbed
  23. Fixed clones not teleporting to the boss if they fall into the hazard while invuln
  24. Changed maximum bosses per a pack from 144 to 128
  25. Changed ff2_cloak_damage and ff2_deadringer_damage to also include maximum damage taken
  26. Changed chars to use static to slightly decrease delay
  27. Changed the formatting and syntax a bit
  28. Changed bosses that been excluded because of the map to still show up as an unselectable boss
  29. Changed to always enable FF2, even if maps config is missing or unreadable
  30. Changed slowmotion sound effect to only play when timescale is changed
  31. Changed FF2_SetCheats native to default to true
  32. Changed to full Transitional Syntax
  33. Changed Battalion's Backup and Phlogistinator damage resistance a little bit lower
  34. Removed the ability to reset someone selection due to permissions (excluding Boss vs Boss enforcement)
  35. Removed having the triple effect occur even with other damage changing effects
  1. Added "wearable" item for bosses (requires gamedata provided)
  2. Added ff2_bosspack_vote to shuffle the boss pack voting with a specific number of packs
  3. Added "goomba" setting to change who can goomba
  4. Fixed still having boss selection when access has been changed
  5. Added "map_exclude" setting for bosses to exclude them on specific maps
  6. Added ff2_kunai_health to control health gained on backstab using the Kunai
  7. Added ff2_kunai_max to control the maximum overhealth using the Kunai
  8. Added "crits" setting for weapons config to determine what's crit boosted
  9. Added SteamWorks support
  10. Added sm_setboss command alias
  11. Added ff2_announce_ads for whether to block announcements not related to commands
  12. Added ff2_broadcast for whether to block announcer/end of the round lines
  13. Added ff2_cloak_damage to control damage taken while cloaked
  14. Added ff2_cloak_stun to control amount of time before being able to cloak after a backstab
  15. Added ff2_deadringer_damage to control damage taken while ringered
  16. Added ff2_diamondback to control amount of revenge crits gained on a backstab
  17. Added ff2_disguise to control whether disguises use the playermodel of the victim
  18. Added ff2_market_garden to control Market Garden damage or to disable
  19. Added "blockcap" setting to change who can capture the point
  20. Added "command" setting for bosses to run server commands on round start
  21. Added "music" setting for sounds to change the theme (also includes "name" & "artist")
  22. Added boss pack support for saving boss selections for up to 8 packs
  23. Added support for extended Ubercharge durations
  24. Fixed telefrag assist damage resulting in a unexpected value
  25. Fixed the error spam with pickups
  26. Changed ff2_caber_detonations to have 0 for infinite
  27. Changed "sound_lastman" to only play when there's atleast more than one player playing
  28. Removed time limit on boss selection menu
  29. Removed caber "stab" if the caber can explode more than 3 times
  1. Improved class info with showing stats of their current loadout
  2. Shields when the type is set to 1 will block debuffs
  3. FF2_SpawnWeapon stock now accepts saxxy and tf_weapon_shotgun
  4. Improved FF2_SpawnWeapon's hiding weapons
  5. (1.11.0) Renamed GetArgI, GetArgF, and GetArgS with FF2_ prefix
  6. Removed ALT-FIRE and RELOAD HUD tips
  7. Fixed issues with selecting a companion boss
  8. Improved team balancing during Boss vs Boss rounds
  9. Fixed rival bosses counting as companions with queue points
  10. Fixed missing sound error anytime an annotation message appears
  11. FF2FLAG_ALLOW_AMMO_PICKUPS and FF2FLAG_ALLOW_HEALTH_PICKUPScan be removed from non-bosses
  12. Fixed outline, control point, timer starting too early in Boss vs Boss rounds
  13. Forced bosses to stay on their correct team during the round
  14. (1.11.0) Added buttonmodes 4 (Duck) and 5 (Scoreboard)
  15. (1.11.0) Added args for default_abilities charges
  16. Fixed snipers outlining the boss before the round starts
  17. (1.11.0) Removed useless Uber duration increase on airblast
  18. Allowed rage_new_weapon, rage_overlay, rage_uber, rage_stunsg, rage_instant_teleport, rage_cloneattack, rage_tradespam, and rage_matrix_attack to have custom suffixes
  19. Fixed boss name translation with rage_cloneattack
  20. (1.11.0) Renamed argument names with Official 1.11
  21. Fixed rage_new_weapon not having a default quality and level
  1. Added ff2hud command to disable/enable certain HUD elements
  2. Removed boss info timer because it was a bit useless
  3. Added FF2_OnMusic2 for name/artist of songs
  4. Fixed sound_stalemate only for rival bosses
  5. Updated to current updates towards Official 1.11 Beta
  6. HUD is hidden during the killcam
  7. Glows on clients can now decay
  8. Subplugin now fully supports new named args
  9. Fixed some delay args in the subplugin at 0.0 still having a minor delay
  1. Converted MAXPLAYERS+1 with MAXTF2PLAYERS (66 to 36)
  2. Fixed previous update saying August instead of July
  3. Fixed doors always opening even when doors.cfg says otherwise
  4. Fixed having multiple bosses sometimes cause issues when there's too little players
  5. Adjusted the health formula for Boss vs Boss mode
  6. Rivaling boss no longer keeps queue points in Boss vs Boss mode
  7. StatTrak now always applies to bots even when there's not enough players
  8. Fixed issues with ff2_hp and lastman displaying health in Boss vs Boss mode
  9. Fixed timer and control point unlocks activating too early in Boss vs Boss mode
  10. Fixed lives showing incorrectly in Boss vs Boss mode with health bar HUD
  11. Bosses now count towards rage regeneration (similar to Scouts)
  12. Added 'noversus' option to abilities
  13. Added ability slots 4-6 (will use 1.11 method in future update)
  14. Killed players' sentries are destroyed even if there not Engineer
  15. Balanced out backstab damage in Boss vs Boss mode
  16. Fixed Merc vs Merc damage ConVar not working at all
  17. Solo rage message no longer applies to non-rage activation
  18. Added _FFBAT_included define for subplugin use
  19. Fixed FF2_OnAlivePlayersChanged being an Action than void
  1. Fully stabilized Boss vs Boss gamemode and added new features, ConVars, and native to it
  2. Fixed boss disguises if they disguise as a class no player is playing
  3. Added a ConVar to adjust merc vs merc damage while each team as a alive boss during a Boss vs Boss round
  4. Boss self knockback can now be set to also include self damage
  5. Boss health HUD doesn't appear while the introduction message is displayed
  6. Added admin command ff2_makeboss to force a player to become a boss
  7. Fixed errors about incorrect boss version showing in SourceMod error log instead of FF2's error log
  8. (1.11.0) Replaced Debug stock with FFDbg
  9. Fixed FF2_HasAbility being a int instead of a bool
  10. The boss no longer sees information about their queue position
  11. Cheats being used no longer activates the boss log
  12. Round end message is now synced with the server's mp_bonusroundtime
  13. Fixed issue about hazards causing the boss to go into negative health and not die
  14. (1.11.0) Infinite rage no longer as a 0.2 second delay until it refills
  15. Fixed issue where the PrintCenterText version of the boss's health doesn't show until the countdown timer stopped
  16. Improved Demoshields and Razorback only able to check initial damage dealt and not anything effected by conditions or some attributes (Credits to Marxvee)
  17. Fixed animation upon Spies backstabbing a boss (Credits to Marxvee)
  18. Melee attacks upon bosses now don't apply knockback
  19. (1.11.0) Explosive Dance ability now works under SourceMod 1.10
  1. Added support for multiple boss name languages
  2. Removed stuns upon Razorback or Demoshields being broken
  3. Added native FF2_GetBossName
  4. Added support for different tf_arena_preround_time values
  5. Removed the ShowActivity2 for giving charge via ff2_setcharge
  6. "owner" set bosses are hidden by default
  7. Merged weapon model settings for boss weapons to use all forms of visuals
  8. Fixed ff2_special menu showing current override gibberish
  9. Added the ability for Spies to look (and sound) like the boss if disguised as them
  10. Some nicer looks for StatTrak HUD
  11. Fixed Telefrag messages
  12. Fixed low stab damage
  1. Fixed Goombas causing an error
  2. Added native FF2_EmitVoiceToAll to announce a sound if players have boss vocals enabled
  3. Added ConVar for changing boss health and ragedamage when TF2x10 is running
  4. FF2 no longer breaks if the cookie system breaks
  5. Added ConVar for damage needed for first Sapper use (if there enabled)
  6. Added ConVar to add an option to the boss menu to skip a turn (from JuegosPablo)
  7. Added ConVar to be able to see teammate's stats (similar to spectating) by simply looking at them (from Marxvee)
  8. Added ConVar for an highly experimental Boss vs Boss gamemode (not recommended turning this on)
  9. Checks if there's enough players for companions upon requirement ConVar change
  10. FF2 no longer self-disables if weapons.cfg is missing
  11. Added new features from 1.10.15 Beta
  12. Added fork variation of version boss settings
  13. Boss selection resets if access changes and the player no longers have access to the boss
  14. FF2FLAG_CHANGECVAR now blocks all ConVar violation from SMAC
  15. Message about current queue point position and amount is now correct about their queue points
  16. Bot's queue points are treated like players (except gain half the amount)
  17. Healing done is more accurate towards players who are now over max health (also from Marxvee)
  18. Annotations (if enabled) for messages are reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
  19. Backstabs, market gardens, and ullapool cabers damage increases with amount of companions
  20. Players who have boss toggle disabled are hidden from the queue point panel
  1. Fixed serious issue with boss HUDs, class voicelines, etc.
  1. Fixed serious issue with player alive based events
  1. Fixed Health HUD being multiplied by the client's index
  2. Fixed not being able to heal bosses at all
  3. Adjusted default ConVar values
  4. Added option in ff2_enabled to bypass maps.cfg
  5. ff2_point_alive, ff2_countdown_players, ff2_last_player_glow can set to be a players total to players alive ratio
  6. Ullapool Caber detonations left message doesn't appear when only one explosion is available
  7. Alias FF2FLAG_ALLOW_BOSS_ROCKETJUMPING for self knockback
  8. Points earned from damage message is rounded down
  9. sound_stabbed and sound_marketed don't infer with death or lifeloss sounds
  1. Made an admin menu example config
  2. Gave ff2_special, ff2_charset, ff2_loadcharset a menu when args are undefined
  3. Fixed boss healing and multiple lives
  4. Removed Updater
  5. Updated Saxton Hale's model and gave a theme
  6. Added health HUD to see boss health and/or lives on the health bar
  7. Boss health bar turns green for a few seconds upon backstab, market garden, ullapool caber, or goomba
  8. FF2 no longer overrides game descriptions of other plugins while disabled
  9. FF2 automatically adds "ff2", "vsh", and "hale" to sv_tags while active
  10. Dead Ringers no longer count towards StatTrak boss kills but displays as a kill until the end of the round
  11. Boss Selection stays after disconnecting and reconnecting (checks if the player still has permission to the boss)
  12. Removed broken ShowActivity on rage/charge commands
  13. Less breakage of reloading FF2
  14. Added catch_replace to replace specific class voicelines with custom ones
  15. Fixes and support for commands while FF2 is disabled
  16. Now displays in chat the reason why StatTrak isn't saving (eg. low player count)
  17. Fixed "ammo" and "clip" on boss weapons
  18. Minor adjustments to the KGB and SVF
  19. Can cancel reloading charset, FF2, etc. by executing the command again
  20. Getting killed by a bot no longer counts as a boss death
  21. Fixed self-bleeding on Wall Climb
  22. Fixed error when shutting down the server with FF2 active
  23. Fixed double [FF2] tag upon selecting a boss
  1. Code is fully in Transitional Syntax
  2. Added the StatTrak but with anti-farming/cheating support and options keep them private to players
  3. Added Teleport to Spawn, for bosses falling into hazards
  4. Added the classic freaks/hales
  5. Added subplugin containing all of default_abilities, 1st_set_of_abilities, easter_abilities, rage_overlay, and special_noanims
  6. Buffed Kritzkrieg, Vaccinator
  7. Nerfed Wrap Assassin, Flying Guillotine, and Boston Basher
  8. Allowed Southern Hospitality stranges/killstreaks
  9. Moved error logs to logs/freak_fortress_2/ff2_errors
  10. Added natives for Demoshields and Razorbacks
  11. Added option for ff2_hud_heal to always show healing done
  12. Added sapper ConVar and boss setting to sap bosses or minions
  13. Added healing ConVar and boss setting to allow bosses to heal themselves and/or by someone else
  14. Added ConVar for bots to use their RAGE
  15. Added ConVar to insult the boss for solo raging (through new stun ability)
  16. Squashed Boss Toggle and Companion into FF2 cookies
  17. Added set/add charge to boss command
  18. Commands use ShowActivity rules
  19. Removed DebugMsg stock and ConVar (Not the Debug stock in the include)
  20. Some support for reloading FF2 or loading FF2 mid-map
  21. Readded Caber detonations ConVar (nerfs damage higher value it is)
  22. Fixed boss themes playing after the round?
  23. Blocked Announcer round start message (Now that countdown...)
  24. Added life setting for boss themes (Untested)
  25. Bosses with admin and owner setting is visible in boss selection (Hide with below)
  26. Changed if hidden setting is used in boss along with donator, admin, owner, or theme, it hides the boss if they don't have access
  27. Added cosmetic setting for bosses to keep their current cosmetic loadout (from their last played class)
  28. Replaced ghost setting with icon setting
  29. Fixed bosses taking only 1 damage from falling type hazards if self knockback was enabled for them
  30. Actually fixed ragemode boss setting when set to 1
  31. Removed ducking for charging super jump (I don't want new player doing this because it's inefficient, you can re-enable with buttonmode being 1)
  1. Fixed Goombas not affected by ff2_text_msg or ff2_text_names cvar
  2. Fixed sound_lastman player again when a player connects or changes teams
  3. Readded Jarate rage drain mechanic
  4. Added support for Killstreak Preferences in boss menu
  5. Added option to toggle FF2 using SteamTools
  6. Improved when to block companion bosses being used
  7. Reset extra Killstreaker and Airstrike damage on round end
  8. Fixed players taking the selection of a disconnected player
  9. Donator, Nofirst, and companion bosses are shown but unselectable in the boss menu when no access or blocked
  10. Added 'theme' option for bosses controled by ff2_theme cvar
  11. Weapons config are applied first instead of hardcoded weapons
  12. Option to turn off using weapons config
  13. Adjusted some weapon stats
  14. Fixed boss RPS losses not working at all
  15. Players alive is now checked when a player goes into spectator
  16. Fixed random OVERTIME when the timer wasn't at zero
  17. Boss preference menu is fully translated to Russian (Thanks MAGNAT2645 once again)
  1. Fixed pickups when FF2 is disabled (Also in Official 1.10.15)
  2. 1 second stun when shields are broken (Was a accident, but I went with it)
  3. Class info toggle doesn't show a menu when ff2_advanced_music is enabled
  4. Added Boss Preference option in main FF2 menu
  5. Updated some options in main FF2 menu
  6. Fix companions getting infinite rage
  7. Health packs dropped by the Candy Cane give healing credit to the Scout (Thanks Marxvee)
  8. Improved how the Killstreaker and Airstrike gains their heads
  9. Reworked some weapon stats
  10. Fix Huntsmans doing no taunt damage when ff2_bow_non or ff2_bow_mini is disabled
  11. Fixed shields against crit and mini-crit attacks
  12. Added cvar ff2_hud_heal to let players see healing done towards teammates (Thanks Marxvee again)
  13. Fixed airblasts causing errors
  14. Improved when sound_hit, sound_kill_, and sound_first_blood plays
  15. Added cvars for RPS queue point betting or limiting boss fails
  16. Fixed bots keeping same selection of another player when ff2_keep_boss is enabled
  17. Added ff2_boss_desc to see description of a boss before selecting through the boss menu
  18. Improved when companions are disabled and enabled
  19. Gave all player commands descriptions
  20. Remove unnecessary cvar change hooks
  1. Readded updater support
  2. Removed unnecessary gamedata
  3. Fixed backstab issues
  4. Added boss logging for a certain boss win, loss, player playing, time, and current map
  5. Fixed infinite rage via ragedamage boss setting
  6. Added countdownovertime boss setting
  7. Added sound_intromusic, outtromusic, outtromusic_win, outtromusic_lose, outtromusic_stalemate
  8. Readjusts health on round start and not remaking the whole boss
  9. Fixes to players seeing other cilent's language occasionally (Official FF2)
  10. Added russian translations (Thanks MAGNAT2645 again)
  1. Added cvar for OVERTIME! to occur when the timer runs out and the control point is being captured
  2. Added cvar for debug messages when ff2_debug is enabled
  3. Added boss setting to choose their team
  4. Improved team swapping support
  5. Added cvar to determine Huntsman's crit boost and it's damage
  6. Fixed ServerAd announcement never playing again
  7. Changed infinite rage setting in ragedamage from 0 to 1
  8. Fixed killstreak cvar not disabling when set to 0
  9. Nerfed Caber and Backstabs when ff2_low_stab is enabled
  10. Fixed Kunai not giving health on backstab
  11. Removed the 'v' on DevAd translations
  1. Added cvar for game_text_tf entities as a replacement for FF2's HUD
  2. Added cvar for game_text_tf entities or annotations as a replacement for FF2's hint messages
  3. Added cvar for above to say the player or boss's name in messages
  4. Added cvar to use the killstreak symbol or the ghost for game_text_tf HUD when there is no timer
  5. Added ghost setting to bosses to toggle using the ghost icon
  6. Added cvar to adjust different settings for Razorbacks and Demo-shields
  7. Fixed market gardens and cabers damage outputs
  8. Improved uber charge translation
  9. Fixed ff2_point_type unable to do both correctly
  10. Renamed the fork name from "Bat's Edit" to "Unofficial"
  1. ragedamage set to 0 gives infinite rage
  2. ragedamage set to -1 disables HUD and raging
  3. maxspeed set to 0 forces the boss into a stand-still
  4. maxspeed set to -1 disables FF2's management
  5. ragemin sets the required amount of rage
  6. ragemax sets the max amount of rage stored
  7. ragemode sets how the rage is used
  8. Fixed ff2_setrage command not working
  9. Removed ff2_first_round and dead ringer cvars
  10. Added official 1.10.15 commits
  11. Added override, ammo, clip, red, blue, green, alpha, worldmodel, pyrovision, halloweenvision, and romevision for weapons
  12. Added pointtype, pointdelay, pointtime, pointalive, countdownhealth, countdownalive, and countdowntime settings for bosses
  13. Added ff2_low_stab cvar to increase damage of backstabs, market gardens, and ullapool caber for low-player counts
  1. More fixed HUD mixed languages
  2. Damage HUD is in translations files
  3. Cvar to keep companion's queue points after their turn
  4. Disable boss or companion toggle for a map duration
  5. Added FF2_GetForkVersion native
  6. Fixed boss toggle preventing gaining/losing queue points for those who selected off and ff2_boss_toggle was off
  7. Allowed server owners to set ff2_companion_min under 3 players
  1. Changed ff2_last_player_glow to how many players left then on or off
  2. Fixed HUD mixing languages
  3. mod_download checks for phy files
  4. Added 'sound_ability_serverwide' for global rage sounds
  5. 'version' allows number 99 to be played (for bosses who only work on this fork)
  6. Queue points aren't reset if you toggle off
  7. 'ragedamage' can be done in a formula
  1. Cvar to determine to choose a random player or next in queue to be a companion
  2. Spec Force Boss works with companions (except if above mentioned is set to random)
  3. Cvar to determine the minimum amount of players on the server before allowing companions to be playable/selectable
  1. Skip command plays a different theme if there is another theme
  2. Shuffle command plays a random theme
  3. Track menu actually allows to select a theme
  4. Solved issue with DMG_FALL hazards for bosses (still need to fix for Mantreads/Gunboats).
  1. Shows name and artist in chat when a theme is played
  2. Music menu updated with options to skip, toggle, and view a list of tracks
  3. Voice menu readded with improvements blocking all (not other subplugins) boss voicelines
  4. Cvar to enable/disable the advanced music menu and showing the name/artist in chat
  1. Changed cvar ff2_points_bonus to determine what is the maximum number of queue points players can earn
  1. Cvars to adjust how queue point system is handled
  1. Cvars to enable or disable ff2boss, ff2toggle, or ff2companion commands
  1. "nofirst" setting for bosses to not be played during the first round of FF2
  2. Cvar to allow players to keep the current boss selection instead of re-selecting each time
  3. No Random Critical Hits attribute no longer appears when "attributes" of a boss's weapon is undefined
  4. Turning off bosses set -15 queue points instead of -10
  1. Medi-Gun skins are now visible with them not overriding the whole weapon's attributes (Atleast Hard-coded side)
  2. Fixed Vaccinator in weapons.cfg not overriding the weapon's attributes
  3. Reworked Engi Pistol (For the infinite time)
  4. Set rage command actually sets rage while add rage command, adds rage.
  5. "crits" setting for bosses to control whether or not they can random crit with ff2_crits being what is default.
  1. Only block join team commands during a FF2 round (naydef)
  1. Added set rage command and infinite rage command (SHADoW from Chdata)
  1. Added self-knockback setting for bosses (Batfoxkid)
  1. Dead Ringer HUD (Chdata/naydef)
  1. Fixed owner marked bosses choosen by random (Batfoxkid)
  1. Server name has the current boss name (Deathreus)
  1. Details and more commands (Batfoxkid)
  2. Fixed companion toggle (Batfoxkid)
  1. Boss selection and toggle (Batfoxkid from SHADoW)
  2. Added owner settings for bosses (Batfoxkid)
  3. Added triple settings for bosses (Batfoxkid/SHADoW)
  1. Bosses can take self-knockback (Bacon Plague/M76030)
  1. Fixed boss health being short by one (Batfoxkid)
  1. Weapons by config (SHADoW)
  2. Fixed Razorback (naydef)
  3. cvar to use hard-coded weapons (Batfoxkid)
  4. Updated weapons stats (Batfoxkid)
  5. Readded RTD support (for the last time) (Batfoxkid)
  6. Boss health is reset on round start (Batfoxkid)
  1. Non-character configs use data filepath (SHADoW)
  2. Added several admin commands for FF2 (SHADoW)
  3. Sandman is no longer normally crit-boosted (Batfoxkid)
  1. Nerfed L'etranger (Batfoxkid)
  2. Sniper can wall climb within FF2 (SHADoW)
  3. Cvars for Sniper wall climbing (Batfoxkid)
  1. Boss BGM can be adjusted by TF2's music slider (SHADoW)
  2. Bosses can set custom quaility and level (SHADoW)
  3. Bosses can set custom strange rank/randomize rank (Batfoxkid)
  1. Fixed major issues with Huntsman and Sniper class (Batfoxkid)
  1. Adjusted Sniper Rifle/Huntsman damage with cvars (Batfoxkid)
  2. Fixed Cozy Camper's SMG unable to be crit boosted (Batfoxkid)
  1. Killstreak system by damage done to the boss (shadow93)
  2. Nerfed Sniper Rifle/Hunstman damage (Batfoxkid)
  3. Buffed Sharpened Volcano Fragment (Batfoxkid)
  4. Gave Huntsman faster charge rate (Batfoxkid)
  1. Reworked various weapons stats (Batfoxkid)
  2. Caber no longer is crit boosted when used (Batfoxkid)
  3. SMG deals only mini-crits (Batfoxkid)
  4. Pistol is no longer crit-boosted by both classes (Batfoxkid)
  5. Crit-boosted weapons that already crit (Batfoxkid)
  1. Ullapool Caber nerfed damage (Batfoxkid)
  2. Forgot to mention Market Garden nerf like in VSH in 1.13.6 (Batfoxkid)
  1. ''admin'' in boss configs also acts the same as ''blocked'' (Batfoxkid)
  1. Pistol nerf reverted and Engineer's pistols mini-crit normally (Batfoxkid)
  2. Buffed SMG's damage along too (Batfoxkid)
  3. Ullapool Caber acts like a smaller Market Garden/Backstab (Batfoxkid)
  4. Removed Ullapool Caber's multi-detonations (Batfoxkid)
  1. Reverted Razorback to match Darwin's Danger Sheild (Batfoxkid)
  2. ''donator'' in boss configs acts the same as ''blocked'' (Batfoxkid)
  1. Increased max amount of bosses in a pack from 64 to 150 (Batfoxkid/WakaFlocka)
  2. Increased max amount of abilties in a boss from 14 to 64? (Batfoxkid/WakaFlocka)
  1. Made public version number the same while keeping fork version number for plugins using the FF2_GetFF2Version native. (Batfoxkid)
  1. Fixed FF2 messages not looping correctly (Batfoxkid)
  2. Reworked Bazaar Bargain (Batfoxkid)
  1. Kritzkrieg gives only crits on Uber but faster Uber rate (Batfoxkid)
  2. Quick-Fix gives no invulnerably but immunity to knockback with Uber (Batfoxkid)
  3. Vaccinator gives a projectile sheild but weak Uber rate (Batfoxkid)
  4. Nerfed Vita-Saw (Batfoxkid)
  1. Buffed Gunboats (Batfoxkid)
  2. Reworked Chargin' Targe and Homewrecker/Mual (Batfoxkid)
  1. Buffed Rocket/Sticky Jumper (Batfoxkid)
  1. Nerfed KGB and buffed Enforcer (Batfoxkid)
  2. YER/Wanga Prick makes backstabs silent except critical sound (Batfoxkid)
  1. DEV_REVISION adjusted to not get confused with official FF2 (Batfoxkid)
  1. Bosses damage output no longer tripled if the damage is less than 160 (Batfoxkid)
  1. Buffed Mantreads (Batfoxkid)
  1. BGM looping fixes (naydef)
  1. Fixed Detonator and Eviction Notice (Batfoxkid)
  1. Buffed Short Circuit, Righteous Bison, and Pomson 6000 (Batfoxkid)
  2. Added sound_marketed and sound_telefraged (Batfoxkid)
  3. Removed ff2_voice, due to it only working for very little sounds (Batfoxkid)
  1. Bosses no longer have fall damage sound effects (Batfoxkid)
  2. Buffed Huo-Long Heater (Noobis)
  1. Nerfed KGB and Razorback (Batfoxkid)
  2. Buffed Rocket/Sticky Jumper (Batfoxkid)
  3. Reworked Razorback (Batfoxkid)
  4. and Huo-Long Heater (Noobis)
  1. Nerfed KGB and Razorback (Batfoxkid)
  1. Adjusted, added, and reworked alot of weapons, too much to list (Batfoxkid)
  1. Battalion's Backup no longer gives full rage upon being hit (Batfoxkid)
  1. [Server] Always says Freak Fortress in game name (Batfoxkid)
  2. Actually blocked spectate command (Batfoxkid)
  3. Updated killing spree, hit sounds, etc. (Batfoxkid)
  4. No longer using TF2Items, hardcoded now (Batfoxkid)
  1. Spectate command is blocked as the boss (Batfoxkid)
  2. Huo-Long Heater work-in-progress change (Noobis)
  1. Removed RTD support (Batfoxkid)
  1. Fixed FF2 managing weapons (Batfoxkid)
  1. Using TF2Items instead of FF2's weapons (Batfoxkid)